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The U.S. healthcare system wastes $750 Billion annually -

42% caused by inefficient operations.


A Free Consultative Service will help determine how much you can save 

by improving operations and increasing efficiencies. 

Call today: (443) 522-0140


Successful Coaching Generates a Dramatic 700% Return on Investment  


Set Goals, Identify Solutions and Measure the Impact

Lipton Healthcare Consulting offers coaching solutions for physicians, managers and healthcare leaders challenged to maintain market share and produce accelerated growth in a period of rapid change.


Based on proven methods, and armed with 25-years of leadership experience, our firm offers in-depth analysis and process improvement plans for hospitals, physician practices and health care providers. We will analyze your operations, set strategic priorities, and identify key performance indicators poised for improvement. Our goal is to provide honest, thoughtful advice with a step-by-step approach to help you and your staff improve operations, increase revenue, and maximize efficiencies while improving the patient experience. Successful coaching will lead you to greater job satisfaction and bottom-line results.


Through coaching we identify your top objectives, map out your current process, and measure performance. Together we create an action plan to help you meet daily challenges. A successful coaching relationship offers a supportive, encouraging environment for personal development.  We help you clarify your skills, identify areas for improvement and provide solutions tailored specifically for you. Our goal is to help you increase productivity and improve your organization's health and financial returns. 


The Coaching Solution  

Coaching is a great fit for physicians and healthcare professionals who:


  • Are not performing at an optimum level or growing toward their potential, and who want more

  • Are in stress-inducing or high-risk situations, such as practice aquisitions or career transition

  • Face increased financial or operational responsibilities, or who are launching new endeavors

  • Want to move to a new level of leadership skills or effectiveness

  • Want to improve their interpersonal, communication or team-building skills

  • Seek a confidential relationship with an advocate who can help them achieve important goals

  • Desire increased market share and a way to grow their practice

  • Need help adopting a new culture or management style  


Make It Happen 

What are the top three changes - personal or organizational - that you want to make in the next year? 

What would it be worth to you if those changes actually happened—and what would it cost you if they didn’t?

Change is costly, but then so is sitting still. A coach may be just what you need to propel you into the future!

Call me today to discuss your goals and how coaching can help take you there.

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